Thursday, 6 June 2013

Good From A Distance

I remember from my school days, that in art classes, there was always someone who was a little behind the rest. They would paint something that really didn't look like what it was supposed to be. Me and my friend, half joking and half trying to be nice, would compliment them by saying that their picture looked good from a distance. We didn't say how big that distance was! Now I have just finished a painting and of course I fiddled with it at end (as usual) because I wasn't 100 % happy with it. Whatever, it is now finished, but I can't decide if it is any good. I find myself standing the painting up somewhere and slowly walking backwards, to see if it looks better. Then I end up backing into a wall! Is it really that bad? Someone give me a second opinion. The best thing to do is forget it and try to paint something else as soon as possible. Sometimes I paint a picture that I'm not pleased with and then after a few years, I look at it again and wonder why I didn't like it. Once I painted a couple of pictures that I really disliked. I put them on Ebay and they sold without problem. I didn't get much for them, but it easily covered the costs of materials. So at the end of the day, it's not up to me if my paintings look any good. Somebody will always like them enough to buy. Perhaps they have very big rooms!

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